Attracting Guests in the Off-Season: Tips for Year-Round Bookings in Hendersonville, NC

Attracting Guests in the Off-Season: Tips for Year-Round Bookings in Hendersonville, NC

About 33% of travelers prefer traveling during off-peak seasons. Between crowds and high prices, who could blame them? Unfortunately, attracting guests in the off-season is still a challenge for many short-term rental property owners.

If you're struggling to compete with other vacation properties in Hendersonville, NC, we can help. Read on to discover proven strategies for boosting your occupancy rate during slow months today!

Off-Season Booking Specials

To remain competitive with large hotel chains and other short-term rentals, offer competitive pricing. Special off-season discounts and extended-stay deals will attract more guests to your property.

Before making adjustments to your pricing strategy, consult a property management company. They'll complete a pricing analysis to ensure you're choosing rates that work to your benefit.

If your rate is too low, you'll lose money. If it's too high, you'll scare away guests. Finding that sweet spot in the middle is essential to attracting bargain hunters.

Highlight the Benefits

Consider why guests should stay in your Hendersonville short-term rental during the off-season. Advertise the benefits of traveling to the area to make the trip more enticing.

Hendersonville offers a range of venues, events, and activities, including:

  • Scenic overlooks
  • Mountain waterfalls
  • Shops and boutiques
  • Galleries and museums
  • Restaurants
  • Hiking and biking trails

Traveling during the off-season means more opportunities to interact with locals, better service, more space, and fewer crowds. Travelers can avoid stressful experiences during their stay.

Short-Term Rental Marketing

Use multiple marketing strategies to gain more online visibility. For example:

  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Paid advertising
  • Search engine optimization

Update your rental listing description using keywords specific to off-season travel. Using location-specific keywords will help your listing appear for relevant searches.

Share your updated listing using social media and email marketing. Create eye-catching digital ads to share online. Provide a link to your listing to boost bookings.

Create a helpful newsletter that provides valuable information about Hendersonville during the off-season. You can share local insights, tips, or stories to draw travelers in.

If your marketing strategy isn't generating results, outsource. A property management company can help you attract more guests while you focus on your business.

Become the Best Vacation Host

If your occupancy rate is low, use it to your advantage. Make upgrades to the property while it's vacant. Choose upgrades that improve the property value and make the property more attractive to guests.

Market these new offerings when upgrading your listing. Consider the experience you're offering guests.

Try to be the best vacation host possible. Leave personalized notes, remain available, and use technology to streamline communication with guests. Offering a great guest experience can help you generate positive reviews.

Share these reviews on the listing or use social media. Positive reviews about the guest experience you offer can encourage future guests to book a stay.

Start Attracting Guests in the Off-Season

You don't have to start attracting guests in the off-season alone. Instead, consider requesting property management services. PMI Blue Ridge has 20 years of experience helping property owners like you improve their ROI.

As the number one property management company, we use proven strategies to ensure your success. We can boost your occupancy rate! Contact us now to request our short-term rental property management services.
